While handles change the aesthetics and clever storage solutions utilise every inch of space, both elements should be considered as equally important in your new kitchen.
At Leonard Brinton, we believe your kitchen design should be as practical as it is beautiful. While clever storage options can utilise spaces you've probably never considered, the role of the handle is to finish off the desired look of your new kitchen.
If you've chosen a kitchen that requires handles, you'll be amazed at the difference a style, colour or finish can have on the overall look. It's essential to choose wisely and to consider all the options. Our experience and subject knowledge could make all the difference.
Likewise, with storage solutions, the benefits can make all the difference, especially if space is at a premium. Consider how you will want to use the space, with pull-out drawers, corner cabinets and specialist vertical storage that brings items into reach.
No matter what you decide, balancing aesthetics and functionality is crucial. Handles and storage solutions can contribute equally to achieving the final finish of your new kitchen.
To see all the examples and styles of handles available and the options available, no matter the style of kitchen, book a showroom appointment at Leonard Brinton Interiors today!
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